Friday, January 12, 2018

8-Minute Memoir: Little Things

1. Having the silverware on the correct sides of the plate.
2. Going barefoot.
3. Lying in the grass.
4. Watching bugs.
5. Feeling the wind on my face.
6. Walking into my bedroom when the bed is made.
7. Soap and shampoo that smell amazing.
8. Sunshine coming through my windows.
9. Clean sheets.
10. Clean floors.
11. The individual scents and colors of dinner ingredients and the ways that they combine to make a new scent.
12. A safe hug.
13. Giggling with my kids.
14. Sitting close to someone I love.
15. Singing.
16. Practicing the piano or the violin or the oboe or any musical instrument at all.
17. Reading books.
18. Re-reading books.
19. Typing.
20. Creating something with my hands.
21. Phone calls/hearing the voice of someone I love but cannot be with.
22. Spider webs.
23. New leaves on trees in the spring.
24. The smell of rain.
25. Autumn.
26. The first snow of winter.
27. Fine quality chocolate.
28. The tiny, crispy marshmallows that come in hot chocolate packets.
29. New socks.
30. Down blankets.
31. My own pillow.
32. Sleeping next to Aaron every night.
33. Flowers.
34. Learning something new.

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